Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Better Estimation

Your time estimations suck. I don't care how accurate you are sure they are, they suck. The reason they suck is not because you are a bad developer, or you don't have experience estimating... they suck because you don't know the whole story yet.

It is impossible to predict everything that will come up during the course of your development iterations, and many things will come up that you had no way of predicting. Even if you break down your problem to the tiniest, bite sized pieces, you will have emergencies come up. Your colleague's dog will get sick causing him or her to be out half a day, making it impossible for you to complete the planned integration between your 2 services. A user won't be able to input their Woozit into your Whatzit page because of some overly zealous input validation you shipped last month, and it will take a day to track it down and fix it. You will meticulously estimate each minute detail of how to build the new Bazzle Integration Service, and you will get it all perfectly done, but forget to leave some extra time to do some dry runs at the end, only to realize their system doesn't quite match up with yours the way you expected, and 2 more days will be lost patching up the differences.

I guarantee you, no matter what you do, your estimates cannot be perfect. So stop thinking they can be, and figure out a way to adjust for the unadjustable.

I can't tell you how much I would love to see Joel's Evidence Based Scheduling implemented at my workplace. However, it's always something to tackle next iteration. Beyond the lack of commitment from the whole team, it seems like a lot of work to track the time you spend on everything, even though the results, I am sure, are spectacular.

If you can't commit to such effort, I suggest a more low-tech technique. For every work item that you are a little unsure of, add in a task to figure things out. Break your work items down to the most meaningless, mindless 20 minute tasks you can, and set them as half hour tasks... hour tasks... or even 2 hour tasks. You will have to test that 20 minute's worth of coding, after all. Understanding exactly what you are building will help prevent missing key aspects that might have been forgotten. More things will come up as you are in the details of your implementation, but I find it helps to try to think of as many contingencies as possible.

When you are done with your estimation, however you do it, double the final amount you have. This gives you significant buffer to help you reach your milestone, and it will help address a lot of the unknowns that will crop up between now and the milestone. Then, adjust this 2x multiplier each iteration based on how long it took the last iteration. If your initial estimates for the last iteration was 1 month of work, and you doubled it to 2 months, but you finished in 1.5 months, then multiply the next amount by 1.6, to be safe. Keep track of your multiplier at every milestone, and over time you should be able to develop a multiplier that works for your team to hit almost every milestone.

This is a much cruder form of Evidence Based Scheduling, but consequently, much easier to employ. It may not result in perfect results, but if you are missing every deadline, it should help better than continuing down the same path over and over and over, like a broken record.


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