Friday, December 18, 2009

Protect Your Environment

Recently, I have been thinking of the environment a lot. Not global warming. Not the O-Zone disappearing. Not the ocean. Not the humpback whale or the spotted owl. I'm talking about your build environment. Your development environment. And, of course, your production environment.

These environments need protection just as much as our physical environment around us. Well, I suppose our physical environment should matter more, but as someone who lives on the computer, my computer environments matter a whole heck of a lot to me.

I'm here to tell you to set up an environment that automates just about everything you do, store it in your source control system, and then protect it vigorously. The moment someone strays and tries to let strands of wild growth choke your environment with custom tweaks, special path settings, and other such nonsense, trim those vines and get back to a clean garden. It's really not that hard.

I can't vouch for any fancy tools that manage this stuff automatically, because thus far I've stuck with living within my basic build environment. I've heard of tools that can manage your environment for you, but sometimes simple will work just as well. At my day job, we use Ant to run our builds, and little by little I've been molding our kudzu of a system into a manageable environment that requires little more than a subversion client, and a few additional packages. Ant can manage the classpath, so there's really no need to keep throwing jars into your shell's CLASSPATH variable.

My most recent addition was a simple custom Ant task to mimic Rail's environment setup. I created an environments directory and stored all the custom files that differ between our production environment, development environment, and any environment in between. It will hold custom properties files that are loaded at runtime, and Tomcat's context.xml so we don't have a local diff pointing to our development database. Within the environments directory is a directory for each environment, and the ant task will figure out which environment you are using, then copy over files from the appropriate environments directory to the correct location. This is much like Rail's environment.rb, with the different scripts in the environments directory.

A colleague recently set us up with Rails migrations, and I can't express how direly we needed this. It is important to version control all your database changes, but if you don't have a very orderly process to migrate between one release to the next, you are in for a world of hurt. Not knowing what has been run on your live database means you might miss something that could have drastic consequences with the code you are releasing along with it. Forget an important index and your queries will grind to a halt. Forget a key table, and your code could fail in an unexpected manner that might trigger other unintended failures, create corrupted data, or lose unrecoverable data.

By keeping your environment consistent, you can be more confident that deploying your new code will work exactly as you tested. By automating your environment, removing all of those special files you need to move to the right location or custom environment variables you need to tweak, you make it a lot easier to work within your team. You also can then bring in new colleagues and have a new development environment up and running for them faster.

The moment you tweak some kind of configuration that everyone in your team should do, automate it and put it in source control. If your tweak should only be in development or test, set up a simple environment switch in your build system, and grab the right file automatically. The production version and the development version should both be checked in.

So there... protect your environment. Who wants to be working in a jungle, anyways?

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